Had a Great Customer Experience? Share it!

Have you recently had a great customer experience?

If so, give a shout-out to the company and comment below.  Let’s see how many threads we can add to this post!  

  1. PX (Product Experience) – What was it about their product or service that was so great?
  2. CX (Customer Experience) – What was it about your interactions with the company that was so great? 

1 thought on “Had a Great Customer Experience? Share it!”

  1. Yes, I have! I recently purchased a Green Mountian wood pellet grill.


    Product Experience: Their product was much lower cost and had more features than their primary competitor Traeger. I added both the rotisserie and pizza over accessories and use the grill all the time to feed my family. Best thing ever, especially during covid with many mouths to feed.

    Customer experience: As soon as I registered my new grill with green mountain, they digitally welcomed me to their community with easy setup instructions, recipes guides, and how-tos. They also made sure I was able to contact their customer support if needed. Whoever is responsible for building their customer relationships, is definitely on the ball. So much so that I felt compelled to create this blog and make the first post.

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