A Range of Services...

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Plan Summaries

Quotes: Please schedule a brief call to receive your custom $/minute quote based on your specific needs, required capabilities, and expected minutes of service per month. [click here to schedule]

Bronze Package Overview: Everything you expect from an Answering Service, Done right! Our highly trained staff will professionally represent your brand, triage each user issue, create a high-standard ticket and escalate the issue per contextual protocols correctly every time, 24x7x365.  Monthly reporting with QA data included

Silver Package Overview: Everything in our bronze package plus the added ability to have our agents professionally process customer orders, respond to information requests and provide documentation and knowledge articles for known user issues and problems. 

Gold Package Overview: Everything in our bronze and silver package plus the added ability to provide Tier-1 troubleshooting and technical support for your products or services, bi weekly pulse meetings and our Insight reporting on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. Leading edge technical support has been our core function for the past 31 years. 

Please contact 3rdShiftDesk.com for more information. 

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